I mean: And so it begins!
I'm taking a leap today. I'm starting a website and a blog and I'm going to hope that somebody somewhere (not a reference to that show but if you haven't seen it, you simply MUST) wants to read it.
In my About section I attributed my love of bread to a gift from my daughter and that wasn't me just making up some cute origin story. She truly is to blame/credit. And it's appropriate that as I approach 48 and she approaches college graduation and my son approaches his masters program graduation, that I be taking a leap. It's appropriate. And it is terrifying.
My whole adult life I have focused on raising my kids and working as hard as I possibly could so that they could have the life I wanted to give them. I kept my head down and kept plugging away at things that did not necessarily feed my soul because they fed my soul and I wanted to feed them.
So here I am, on the precipice of them not needing me in quite the same way (last month, I paid my last ever tuition payment - YAY!), and I am going to give this whole putting myself first thing a shot.
The pandemic caused - allowed - a lot of us to see things differently. Suddenly, the most important things were family, staying close to home, staying in, staying safe. Two years of that thinking let many of us just think differently.
Muse Baking is my thinking differently. I'm here. You read this to this point, so you are here too. Let's bake some bread, shall we?
